Risk Disclosure Statement


Welcome to CapeCoins!

This Risk Disclosure Statement (“Statement”) appliesto the electronic trading platform, which includes relevant mobile applications and websites (collectively referred to as the “Platform”), provided by the CapeCoins(the “Company”, “we”, “us” or “our”).

We have detailed the potential risks involved in trading or transacting on our Platform below. Please note that this list of risks is not exhaustive and is not ranked in any particular order of importance. We urge you to read them carefully and consider whether such trading and transactions are suitable for your specific situation.

By accessing or using the Platform and the Site, you acknowledge that you fully understand the risks associated with transactions involving Cryptocurrenciesor the use of the Platform.

1. No PersonalAdvice

     1.1. We do not offer personal advice related to our products or services.

     1.2. While we do provide factual information, details about transaction procedures, and information about potential risks, the decision to utilize our products or services is entirely up to you.

     1.3. No communication or information provided by the Platform should be interpreted as investment, financial, trading, or any other type of advice.

     1.4. You alone are responsiblefor determining the suitability of any investment, investment strategy, or related transaction based on your personal investment goals, financial situation, and risk tolerance.

2. No Tax Advice

     2.1. It is your responsibility to determine your potential tax liabilitiesand how they apply when transacting through the Platform. You are also responsible for reporting and paying any taxes that may arise from transactions on the Platform.

     2.2. Please note that the Platform does not provide legal, ortax advice related to these transactions.

     2.3. You acknowledge that the Platform, when required by applicable law, will report information about your transactions, transfers, distributions, or payments to tax or other public authorities. Similarly, the Platform, when required by law, will withhold taxes related to your transactions, transfers, distributions, or payments.

     2.4. We strongly recommend seeking professional and personal tax advice before conducting any cryptocurrencytransaction.

3. No Monitoring

     3.1. The Platform does not act as your broker, intermediary, agent, or advisor, and does not have any fiduciary relationship or obligation to you regarding any exchanges, decisions, or activities you undertake using the Platform.

     3.2. We do not monitor if your use of the Platform aligns with your financial goals and objectives.

     3.3. It is your responsibility to evaluate whether your financial resources are sufficient for your financial activities with us and whether the products and services you use align with your risktolerance.

4. Market Risks
     4.1. The potential for loss toexchangecryptocurrencypairs can be significant. Therefore, it is crucial for you to carefully consider whether such trading aligns with your circumstances, objectives, and financial resources. Please be aware of the following points:
          4.1.1. You may incur a total loss of the funds transferred to, and all funds in, your Platform Account.
          4.1.2. The trading price of cryptocurrenciescan experience substantial fluctuations in a short period.
          4.1.3. The trading price of a cryptocurrenciesmay also decrease due to various factors. These include the discovery of wrongful conduct, market manipulation, changes to the properties of the cryptocurrencies, attacks, suspension, orcessation of support for cryptocurrenciesby Platform providers or other service providers. Moreover, there areother factors beyond the control of the Platform.
          4.1.4. Under certain market conditions, you may find it challenging or impossible to buy or sell cryptocurrencies. This can occur, for instance, if there is insufficient liquidity in the market. We are not responsible or liable for thetransferability, liquidity, and/or availability of any Cryptocurrencies.
          4.1.5. The Platform may suspend trading in or cease to offer services in respect ofthe cryptocurrenciesat any time at its sole discretion.
          4.1.6. You may be unable to withdraw cryptocurrenciesprior to the Platform ceasing to offer services in respect of any such cryptocurrencies, resulting in the loss of any such cryptocurrenciesremaining in your Platform Account.
     4.2. This brief statement, of course, cannot disclose all the risks and other aspects associated with these trades.
     4.3. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you understand and accept all risks associated with transacting and trading in cryptocurrencies.

5. Liquidity Risk
     5.1. There may be limited liquidity for cryptocurrencies, which could potentially make it challenging or unfeasible for you to sell or exit a position when desired.
     5.2. This situation can arise at any moment, especially during periods of swift price fluctuations.

6. RisksAssociated with Third Parties
     6.1. Third parties, such as payment providers, custodians, and banking partners, may play a role in the provision of Services. You might be subject to the terms and conditions of these third parties, and the Platform may not be liable for any losses that these third parties may inflict upon you.
     6.2. We do not have control over, or liability for, the delivery, quality, safety, legality, or any other aspect of any cryptocurrenciesyou may buy or sell to or from a user of the Services.
     6.3. We are not responsible for ensuring that a third-party buyer or a seller with whom you transact will complete an exchange or transaction or is authorized to do so.
     6.4. There is no guarantee fund or other arrangement established to cover or compensate you for any monetary loss suffered by you as a result of any defaults by or the insolvency of any other users of the Services.

7. Cybersecurity Risks
     7.1. You acknowledge that using an Internet-based trading system comes with risks, including, butnot limited to, the failure of hardware, software, and Internet connections.
     7.2. You acknowledge that the Platform is not responsible for any communication failures, disruptions, errors, distortions, or delays you may experience while trading via the Services, regardless of the cause.
     7.3. The Platform may be vulnerable to attacks targeting its security, integrity, or operation. You acknowledge and agree that the Platform is not responsible or liable for any losses resulting from such attacks.

8. Legal Risk
     8.1. The regulatory status of cryptocurrenciesremains uncertain or unsettled in numerous jurisdictions.
     8.2. You also affirm that you will refrain from using our Services if the laws applicable in yourcountry prohibit you from doing so.

9. Absence of Deposit Protection and Government Support
     9.1. Cryptocurrenciesare not recognized as legal tender and do not have the backing of the government or commodities like gold or silver.
     9.2. The Platform is not a bank, and accounts on the Platform are not subject to banking protections.

10. Irreversibility of Transactions
     10.1. Users acknowledge all outcomes of transferring cryptocurrenciesto an address outside our platform.
     10.2. Transactions involving cryptocurrenciesare irreversible.
     10.3. Once you dispatch a cryptocurrencyto an address, you accept the risk of potentially losing access to your cryptocurrencypermanently.

11. Risks relatedto Cryptocurrencies
The inherent nature of cryptocurrenciesand the technologies that underpin them present a variety of risks. These include, butare not limited to:
     11.1. Occurrences such as faults, defects, hacks, exploits, errors, protocol failures, or unforeseen circumstances related to a cryptocurrencyor the technologies or economic systems upon which the cryptocurrencyis dependent.
     11.2. Delays that could result in transactions not being settled on the expected delivery date.
     11.3. Attacks on the protocol or technologies that a cryptocurrenciesrelies on.

12. Client's Compliance
     12.1. You are responsible for complying with applicable law.
     12.2. You agree that platformis not responsible for determining whether or which laws may apply to your transactions, including tax laws. You are solely responsible for reporting and paying any taxes arising from your use of the Services.
     12.3. The risks outlined in this Risk Disclosure Statement could lead to the loss of cryptocurrencies, a decrease in or total loss of value for cryptocurrencies, an inability to access or transfer cryptocurrencies, an inability to exchange it,an inability to receive specific utilities, access, orbenefits available to other cryptocurrencyholders, and other financial losses to you.
     12.4. You acknowledge and agree that platformwill not be responsible or liable for such risks at any time.
     12.5. You irrevocably waive, release, and discharge all claims, known or unknown to you, against platformand their respective directors, members, officers, employees, agents, and contractors related to any of the risks mentioned herein.
     12.6. You affirm and guarantee that you possess: (a) the necessary technical expertise and capability to review and evaluate the security, integrity, and operation of any Cryptocurrenciesthat you choose to exchange; and (b) the knowledge, experience, understanding, professional advice, and information to make your assessment of the merits and risks of any Cryptocurrencies exchange.
     12.7. You accept the risk of trading Cryptocurrencies by using the Services and are responsible for conducting your independent analysis of the risks specific to the Cryptocurrenciesand the Services.
     12.8. You should not exchange or deal withany assets unless you have sufficient financial resourcesand can afford to lose all value of the Cryptocurrenciesor endure significant losses.
     12.9. The Platform's decision to support the transfer, storage, or trading of any particular Cryptocurrenciesthrough the Services does not indicate the Platform's endorsement or rejection of the Cryptocurrenciesor the integrity, security, or operation of the Cryptocurrenciesor its Underlying Technology.
     12.10. The platformdoes not make any representation or warranty regarding any Cryptocurrenciessupported or not supported by the Services.
     12.11. The risks associated with Cryptocurrenciesand trading Cryptocurrenciesapply regardless of the Platform's decision to provide servicesfor a particular cryptocurrency.
     12.12. The risks of all such trading will be solely yours to bear.

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